18 August 2010


I watched this movie while I was bored and sick this week...very gruesome, kinda fun, great title sequences! I found the best version here.

CMYK tattoo anyone? What about a teacup ring?

Great photography by Chris Glass.

Apple Calendar

Love this calendar! Good way to stay healthy...and it makes great art!

Found here @ Felt & Wire shop

03 August 2010

Phaidon Travel

When I was in Europe, I saw these Phaidon Travel Books everywhere. They are so great. They even make gift box sets specific to your interest: art, fashion, business, and beach.

I'm not sure if I like the iPhone apps. I mean I know it would be super useful to have all this information in your phone, but do we really need to be able to do everything on the iPhone?? To me, their charm is their tactility. The way that I can turn the pages, look at maps, and even write in them makes them so personal.


Last weekend I went to go see Inception. It was literally mind boggling...soo good! I feel like I need to see it a couple more times to really pick up everything.

I found this poster done by Matt Needle. A very 'designery' way to think about this movie poster.