30 May 2010

Camden markets

Yesterday we went up to the Camden markets. They were huge!! Filled with shop, food stands, antiques, and vintage shops. We got lost in the market shops then sat down for lunch in the market center.

29 May 2010

London day 3

Today we started off going to buckingham palace to see the changing of the gaurds, but there was such a huge crowd we could barely see anything. After, we went to the Tate modern art museum. Very exciting to see art and artists I've been studying for the past 4 years.

Afterwards, we went to the Sherlock holmes pub for some fish and chips with a pint of beer...so English of us.

27 May 2010

London day 2

Today we took the double deck bus tour of London and went to the hard rock cafe for lunch. We got back to our hostel at 6 and are completely exhausted. Tomorrow we plan on the Tate modern museum and the Sherlock holmes pub.

26 May 2010

First day in London

We arrived in London today at 8 in the morning. We only got 3 hours of sleep on the plane. After an hour of trying to get to our hostel and looking like complete tourists we made it!! Our hostel
Is pretty awesome...here are some photos.

We also walked oxford street (a very cool and way cheaper 5th avenue). I tried to get a photo of the adidas store for you Mike but the camera quality on this iPhone is lacking a little bit.

Tomorrow we are going to ride the double deck tour bus to get our bearings and to see the entire city. Lots of photos to come.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

JFK takeoff sunset

24 May 2010


This is a test run for my phone blogging! Since Kelly and I will be without computers, I will post through my iPhone.

We just spent the whole day packing and here's the result. I put my bag on and wanted to fall over (partially due to Kelly laughing at me). Nevertheless we leave tomorrow and we are very excited!!! Talk to you all when I'm in London!

23 May 2010

Home away from home

Before I left, I had to take some quick pics of mine and Emma's space at our lovely UConn Design Center. It's a bit messy, but that's what happens when senior thesis is over and graduation is quickly approaching.

18 May 2010